How To Forgive And Forget To Let Go Of The Past

2 min readMar 6, 2021


Heal Your Body, Mind & Soul | Veronica Parks

How To Forgive And Forget To Let Go Of The Past

Today I invite you to forgive and forget so you can release past #trauma​ and make more space in your life for abundance, for Joy and for Love. You know the power of #forgiveness​ and I’m sure there’s somebody in your life from the past that upset you and is very hard to forgive and let go of the past.

I’m going to share with you in a moment a tool that will help you forgive and #release​ that super super easy. It’s a secret tool that I share with my clients, after they do that, they have a complete break through transformation. When somebody hurts you, it seems difficult on a #conscious​ level to forgive them because they wronged you and I understand that, but you’re the one holding on to that pain.

If I asked you right now, can you tell me about that situation that happened to you in the past? When you start talking about, if you’re feeling the same things, if there is any #emotional​ charge, that means that you are still carrying that with you. You’re bringing that with you in your relationships, you bring that with you in your business. It’s also showing up as maybe body aches, maybe extra body weight.

A lot of excessive weight is from the emotional charge that you’ve been holding on for years. So, forgiving and letting go it’s the most powerful gift that you can give to yourself You simply let go of that pain on your own and therefore you release both of you from prison.

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Veronica Parks Soul Healer and Wellness Coach and the founder of VP Exclusive. Her mission is helping people Bio Hack their Body and Mind to live a happy life!